Thursday, June 9, 2016

June 8, 2016

We left Price, UT this morning and drove north through Salt Lake City traffic to go to Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.
We drove the wildlife drive and had 44 species in just a couple of hours. This is a Yellow-headed Blackbird. There were many at the refuge.
Northern Shoveler.
American Avocet.
White-faced Ibis.
White Pelican.
Drove into southern Idaho.
We headed for City of Rocks National Reserve.
Passed a couple of Antelope along the way.
Picked up a couple of maps of the area.
A replica of the wagon used by the pioneers who traveled through this area on the California Trail.

One of the climbers we saw today.

And another one.
A field of beautiful Iris.
On our way out of the Reserve, we passed these folks having fun.
Spent the night in Burley, Idaho at a Budge Inn. Many of the other motels were already full when we arrived. Dinner at Denny's.

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