Thursday, June 9, 2016

June 9, 2016

Traveling west, we passed many acres if various crops being watered.
We think this is a field of Idaho potatoes.
Perhaps there is a winery just over this hill.
Snake River.
A volcanic lava flow.
An irrigation ditch.
The town of Vail had several murals, but it was hard to photograph some of them.

The old theater in Vail.
Heading toward Bend. Ash deposits from volcanic eruptions.
Historic history along the way..
Couldn't see the river from this point.

A hiker studying the map.
The Ancient Juniper Trail.

The Three Sisters Mountains in the distance. Each is over 10,000 ft. and there is still snow.
A couple of kids crossing on the streets in Bend, OR. Note the Fat Tire Bicycle.
Arrived at our home for the week, Three Sisters Inn and Suites at 5:50 p.m.

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